Combustible & Toxic Gas Detection Preliminary Engineering
Expertise to tackle the most challenging gas detection applications toxic gas detection
aeSolutions has experienced personnel who can assess risk, identify leak points, model potential releases, and specify detection strategies, technologies, and placements to safely and cost effectively protect personnel and assets. All while being mindful of the operating and production requirements of the facilities.
We begin with the development of a Gas Detection Philosophy document, or a review and update of an existing philosophy. This approach results in a system that is fit for purpose, cost-effective and has a defined basis that can be updated as the plant evolves over time. It ensures that the gas detection system is appropriately sized to address the risks identified.
Next Steps
aeSolutions' Approach to Combustible & Toxic Gas Detection Engineering
Collect Relevant Site Information
Review/Develop Gas Detection Philosophy
Gas detection philosophy is the design basis for an effective system.
Identify Chemicals of Concern, Alarm Levels and Technologies
Hazardous Chemicals must be detected at the correct levels.
Collect Ambient Conditions Data
Gas migration paths must be understood both indoors and outdoors.
Collect Process Safety Information
Gas migration is dependent on temperature, pressure and physical properties.
Identify Release Scenarios
High risk points of release need to be identified. Pumps, flanges, etc.
Planning & Verification
Initial Detector Placement
Detector placement can be made using experienced judgement.
PHAST/CFD/Geographic Models
Models are completed to predict the behavior of gas releases.
Assess Coverage
Gas detector positions are reviewed against the release models.
Assess Safety Availability Performance
Detection equipment is assessed for availability on demand performance.
Develop Front-End Specification
Update Design to Achieve Performance Targets
Gas detection System design is updated until all criteria are met.
Issue Gas Detection Safety Requirement Specifications
Specification gives information for detailed engineering to proceed.
Featured Whitepaper:
aeSolutions' Gas Detection Services
A unique blend of experience from philosophy, technology selection, and geographic/scenario-based modeling
Able to provide turn-key service from conceptual design through field installation for toxic gas detection and toxic gas monitoring
Addressing the risk in the most cost effective manner (not too many and not too few)
Contact us today to discuss your project