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SC Safety Award Presented to aeSolutions for Second Consecutive Year

2016 SC Dept Comm Safety Award-web

aeSolutions Panel Fabrication Shop Celebrates Safety Award Recognition

Greenville, South Carolina, USA – May 20, 2016 – For the second year in a row, the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce has recognized aeSolutions with its Commendation of Excellence award. The award, presented by the Chamber’s Safety, Health and Security Committee, recognizes South Carolina Chamber members with a successful workplace safety record during 2015.

The Chamber’s annual Safety Awards recognize companies and their employees who have had a commendable Lost Workday Case Rate during the calendar year. Recognized companies are committed to the health and safety of their employees.

Both of aeSolutions’ South Carolina locations received awards. aeSolutions – Corporate occupies a 24,000 sq. ft. office space in Greenville, South Carolina. Their Merovan location’s 14,000 sq. ft. complete panel fabrication facility manufactures and ships large control panel systems to clients across the United States.

“Safety is one of aeSolutions’ core values; it is at the root of our company’s culture,” stated Mike Davenport, aeSolutions’ Vice President of Operations. “From the services we provide to clients operating in some of the most dangerous environments in the world, to the care we take with our internal work policies and practices, safety is what drives us. We are motivated by ensuring every one of our customers and employees gets home safely every day; it’s who we are.”

In 2015, both of these locations reported zero lost-time accidents, as did the company’s Alaska and Houston offices. This is the fourth consecutive year that aeSolutions has posted zero lost-time accidents company-wide.

“A safe workplace allows employees to grow and succeed, and we are proud to announce this year’s Safety Award winners who have taken that to heart,” states Ted Pitts, President and CEO, SC Chamber of Commerce. “We are pleased to honor those companies who have made safety a top priority over the last year and to recognize them among peers at our annual Safety Awards event.”

About aeSolutions

In business since 1998, aeSolutions is a complete supplier of performance-based process safety engineering and automation solutions. To fulfill their mission of continuously improving the safety performance of the process industry, they utilize proven processes to help ensure consistent project execution and help customers optimize production, quality, and safety. aeSolutions is committed to providing engineering services that enable our clients to sustainably own, operate, and maintain their process facilities.



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